What Happens in a Panic or Anxiety Attack and What You Can Do About It
A panic attack is sudden; you aren’t aware of something that you could attribute to making you feel anxious. It comes out of nowhere, which is why many people believe they are having a heart attack. Hospital emergency rooms see people all of the time who are having panic attacks, not heart attacks because the symptoms seem that severe. If you don’t know what’s happening to you, it’s easy to think of a heart attack. And if you ever believe you have a heart attack, you do need to go to the nearest emergency room or your doctor’s office so something physical can be ruled out. Once you recognize the symptoms, it will be much easier for you to know panic attack or heart attack? The advice above goes for people having an anxiety attack too. Unless they are familiar with their anxiety and know it’s very uncomfortable but not a heart attack they won’t do the exercises I list below. The symptoms are very similar between a panic attack and an anxiety attack. However, with an anxiety attack, there’s usually a stressor involved. It could be that you’re going somewhere you’ve never been before, or you feel anxious about...