Newsflash! You don’t need to Get Away.

Now, If you’re over forty you’ve probably grown out of trying to find reasons to get away from your partner. You’ve come to realize the one you got is actually the one you truly love, so most articles about couples and time apart are written for millennials. However, if any of you feel like it may be bad for your health to spend a lot of time with your spouse, as in “me time,” read on:    

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Ever Wonder if You’re Losing Your Mind?

Most people do from time to time or feel some version of the same. Another version is believing you have an undiagnosed condition that's killing you but no doctor can figure out what it is. Chances are that's because it's psychological and not physical. That's because some counseling could help you, with getting some support and empathy, with having someone on your team, getting good suggestions and ideas for areas of your life you're finding are a struggle right now. Check out this article. You'll enjoy reading about what the differences are between insanity and other forms of distress.

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Post Valentine News

Well, Valentines Day is over for another year. Some of you were pleased and happy by the end of that day. Some of you were miserable and sad or angry. Here's an interesting article about The Art of Charm. More articles like this could make the holiday brighter for some of next year's sad women. It's annoying to navigate all of the ads but the article is worth reading. You might have to click on the fireworks to get the article. "The science of what makes girls fall in love isn’t a magic spell or a Jedi mind trick. It’s the simple act of paying attention to habits, behaviors, and preferences with an eye toward the role science plays in affairs of the heart. You can’t hack into her brain and make her fall in love with you, but you can use your knowledge of how the brain works to nurture and deepen attraction that’s already there." Read more at the here:

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What’s Your Story?

As a therapist and a writer I know we tell ourselves stories about our lives and who we are in the stories of our lives. They are inaccurate stories because our brains hang on to negative experiences longer or better than positive experiences. We have a lopsided view of who we are. This is an interesting article about changing your story...

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Anxiety is Your Friend

Yes, it is, seriously. Very often, we're feeling anxious, but that anxiety is displaced. It doesn't come with the action we're attaching to it, rather something from your past is triggering current anxiety. For instance: You think you can't sleep at night because you're anxious about getting fired, a real threat to your well being. You're not anxious about getting fired. You're anxious about how angry your partner, who depends on at least part of your income, will be if you get fired and there have been several layoffs in your department already. What you would need to do is find the courage to talk to your partner about your fear and ask your partner to help you come up with a plan in case you get fired. Then you're not alone and you have a plan. It wasn't losing the job, although that wouldn't be pleasant, the main anxiety was about angering or disappointing your partner. I say anxiety is your friend because very often we feel anxious about things we need to take a look at and we're not because whatever it is got buried in our subconscious mind because we couldn't or didn't want to deal with...

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