Couples, Alone and Together Time

It isn't healthy for two people to spend every waking moment together when they're in a relationship. That said, either party going out to bars with friends is a formula for disaster. If you want to spend time with friends don't do things that involve unfamiliar members of the other sex unless you're having a tooth extracted.. What I mean by unfamiliar members of the opposite or, if you're gay, unfamiliar same sex people that your partner knows nothing about. For instance, if you're a guy, it isn't O.K. to meet one of your female coworkers for lunch or anything else on a non-work day unless you've made a point to introduce that person to your partner first. It doesn't have to be just before lunch and then telling your partner to get lost. It can be any time but it has to happen so your partner doesn't feel threatened. No one in a relationship wants to imagine their partner out with an unfamiliar member of the opposite or same sex, depending on sexual preference, on a day off. It only takes a minute to arrange to introduce your partner to your friend and then it shouldn't feel threatening to...

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A White Lie or a Black Lie?

Everyone tells white lies to protect the feelings of someone they care about, such as "Do you like my new dress?" And when they think it doesn't matter and they again don't want to hurt the other person's feelings. Darker lies are more like you were here when in fact you were there. You only had one drink when in fact you had six. Those are the kinds of lies that will eventually erode a relationship because enough of them will come out that trust between two people is compromised. This is most often true in significant relationships. Here are some tips about how to get others to tell the truth. There is one caveat here. It's perfectly fine to ask someone what they did that day if it's said in the spirit of companionship and sharing and not in the spirit of snooping on your partner.

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The Dumb Fight

This article reveals what might be behind some seemingly dumb arguments with your partner. If you're been in a relationship long enough to get past the honeymoon phase you will find yourself fighting, sometime once in a great while and sometimes often, over what you know, if you were being honest with yourself, is insignificant and petty. Yet, at the time you're both angry and standing your ground.That there's something deeper, more meaningful under the dumb fight is reassuring (that you're not a nit picker) and the underneath subject does have meaning. You will both benefit by looking at what you're really fighting about. Sometimes a person is embarrassed to say what's really going on or has been stuffing some other significant issue, unwilling to talk about it and then the dumb fight breaks out. Read some examples here of the dumb fight and what's underneath the dumb fight.

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When Not to Marry

For over twenty-six years I've counseled many couples whose marriage was in trouble. By the time they get to my office they're a step away from a lawyer but have agreed to try counseling first. Many couples just need to be taught how to fight fair or to negotiate something in the relationship that isn't working such as how much sex is enough? However sometimes two people shouldn't have married each other and a divorce is a good solution. It's rare but it happens. This is an excellent article about when not to marry: "Review your motivation for marriage before you wed to help you avoid making these mistakes. "

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