All About Depression

This is an excellent article defining depression and the different types of depression. There was only one place where I thought what is being said could be missed. In atypical depression one of the symptoms is "Interpersonal rejection sensitivity". I don't think that's very clear because sometimes depression is manifested by irritability and anxiety and that's what that symptom in the list means. It's easy to miss that type of depression. However, I find it is very common. There's even a self test to take. Take a look:

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Ten Psychological Techniques for Stress and Anxiety

These are very good and useful ways to reduce stress and anxiety especially since we can't avoid all of the stress and anxiety that life brings to us. Try these and feel better:   Ten techniques you can use to deal with stress that you can’t avoid. The best way to reduce stress is, of course, to identify the source and get rid of it. If only this were possible. You can try to avoid people who stress you out, say ‘no’ to things you know will cause you stress, and generally do less stuff. Unfortunately, this is often out of the question or you would have already done it. So, here are 10 techniques you can use to deal with stress that you can’t avoid. 1. Develop awareness This is the step most people skip. Why? Because it feels like we already know the answer. But sometimes the situations, physical signs and emotions that accompany anxiety aren’t as obvious in the moment. Here are a few common symptoms of stress and anxiety: excessive sweating. dizziness. tension and muscle aches. tiredness. insomnia. trembling or shaking. a dry mouth. headaches. So, try keeping a kind of ‘anxiety and stress journal’, whether...

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The Dumb Fight

This article reveals what might be behind some seemingly dumb arguments with your partner. If you're been in a relationship long enough to get past the honeymoon phase you will find yourself fighting, sometime once in a great while and sometimes often, over what you know, if you were being honest with yourself, is insignificant and petty. Yet, at the time you're both angry and standing your ground.That there's something deeper, more meaningful under the dumb fight is reassuring (that you're not a nit picker) and the underneath subject does have meaning. You will both benefit by looking at what you're really fighting about. Sometimes a person is embarrassed to say what's really going on or has been stuffing some other significant issue, unwilling to talk about it and then the dumb fight breaks out. Read some examples here of the dumb fight and what's underneath the dumb fight.

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Mental Health Tests and Quizzes

I found these tests and quizzes at Psych Central. Now here is the disclaimer: if you or anyone you know decide to take these tests just for fun then have fun. However, if you or someone you know is taking these tests and quizzes because you're concerned that you might have one of the disorders, you should seek at least one session of counseling with a therapist to review whether or not the therapist agrees that you do have that diagnosis. Self tests aren't always reliable so don't freak yourself out. Just make an appointment with a licensed therapist. Tests and quizzes can also be fun to take just to prove to yourself you don't have any of these disorders, don't we all do that or at least succumb to Facebook quizzes?

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Social Anxiety Disorder

Wikipedia has a terrific article about social anxiety disorder or SAD. It explains everything you would want to know if you think that might be something you or someone close to you has. "Social anxiety disorder (SAD), also known as social phobia, is an anxiety disorder characterized by a significant amount of fear in one or more social situations causing considerable distress and impaired ability to function in at least some parts of daily life. These fears can be triggered by perceived or actual scrutiny from others."

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